Happy New Year from the Crumps!
It's been quite a year...Liam changed wrote an indelible love into our hearts and we'll never be the same. We were blessed with challenges and experiences most parents will nod their heads and smile as they remember. I often think of how different my perspective is from our previous life and glory in the challenges of the future!
While this year did not include the same travel adventures of past years, we had our first experiences flying with a baby. I've always tried to be non-judgmental and accepting of parents traveling with children, but I have a whole new appreciation. I received many looks from darting, narrowed eyes and overheard "whispered" conversations in rows behind me about babies on planes. I had plenty of compliments about our "good baby." Really, are the babies who cry on planes bad? Are their parents pinching them and thinking "Gosh, I hope she wails the entire 5 hours; this is so pleasant?!" Liam is a very busy little person and we have reached the realization that we are past the grace time when he would cuddle up in a wrap against my body and sleep through dinner out but is a blast riding in a shopping cart seat and planning with new friends.
Chris took on the challenge of fatherhood (as with all other challenges) with gusto. He has the most fun games and songs of anyone I know. He managed to finish the basement while continuing to work with Infinity and entering new opportunities with his AF Reserves unit. While he's definitely a busy guy, he always finds time for us and has honed his skills as a masterful craft beer brewer.
I continued my job at the Air Force Academy and I'm loving it. I jumped at the opportunity to teach with the Management Department this Fall and will continue in the Spring. My students were fantastic and always left me excited for the next chance to learn from them. My anguish at their less-successful class efforts surprised me, but I knew I would revel and the hard work that earned top marks. I can assure anyone out there that we have incredible young men and women rising up to lead our Air Force in the future. My racing schedule was definitely diminished this year, but I made it out for a few half marathons and a triathlon. An enthusiastic triathlete and terrible swimmer are good labels for me. I told a struggling swimmer that I'd swim with her for the race to help her pull away from the kayak (paddling around to make sure no one drowns) thinking that she'd get into a groove and we'd either swim together or I could continue on my way in a few minutes. 38 minutes later (in an 800m swim, 38 minutes is an ETERNITY) we rounded the last buoy and lunged back to dry land. The race was a success in so many ways, but was not a PR!

We were blessed to attend a few beautiful weddings create new families (Jen & Leo & Riley-the dog, Liz & Zach)and wish other unions (Andrew & Sara Beth, Erica & Dan, Stephanie & Branden) well well from afar. Wedding season and baby season have been good to our circle of friends and we love watching the Yayas & HMC increase our love and numbers. The Crumps are committed Alabama fans and since Liam and I had never met them, we added a few days to a November trip to meet some of the clan and watch the Crimson Tide roll over the LSU Tigers!! Southern hospitality was in full swing and we enjoyed every minute. As a committed Irish fan, I will never question my loyalties but I can admit I'm impressed with U of Alabama tailgates!
Now, at Christmas, we are looking forward to welcoming Liz, Michael, & Lydia back from Guam for a quick visit, and seeing Aunt Mary for a few days. Trevor should return from his tour in Afghanistan around the end of January and hopefully we'll see him and Sarah soon.
As always our home is warm and open for anyone stopping through Colorado. We have new adventures planned for the coming year and certainly hope to involve many of our loved ones as we work on bringing communication back to our lives as a family of 3!
May you and yours be blessed with a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year.
Love, the Crumps!